Survey analysis (2)

The previous survey analysis discussed the few questions of identifying the age, gender and nationality while this post will discuss the main project idea questions that will be asked and required to be answered. This post will analyse the responses of it.

1.Profession Responses
This particular question shows that 73.7% responses is the highest which their profession is related to computing and will know about software development life cycle. Therefore, the sometimes and No responses will likely know about it or have no idea what it is.

2.SDLC Responses
This is an unexpected response to see unlike the first image that gave an instinct of all the responses will know about the survey. However, the Yes and Maybe responses have the 36.8% and the No responses is 26.3%.


  1. As with the previous post you need to remove the white background here. Further commentary is needed to show what you have learned from the primary research.


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